i almost cried. But then I felt silly. I m lucky because my new glasses fit awesome and make me see 20/20. And I have contacts as a back up. I am lucky.
And If we were really meeting for coffee I would suggest you stay away from this. The peppermint Mocha at Mcdonalds is mcgross.
speaking of gross.....
School lunches are gross. I had a Thanksgiving style lunch with Ash last week and I kid you not I watched a lunch lady reach into the trash and take a whole ( untouched) piece of pumpkin pie and hand it to a kid to eat. Now I am all for not wasting, but really !?
Gross !!
Thanksgiving was awesome. Lots of family, food and much to be thankful for.
I had two photo shoots last weekend. I am having so much fun with these family shoots. It is a nice break from weddings. My last wedding of the year is on Sunday Its bitter sweet. I need a break. But I do love my job.
Whats on your mind ?
Linking up with Amy :)