Friday, June 17, 2011

Instafun Friday

I have not blogged on this blog in months. I was convinced I wanted to merge my photography blog and my personal blog into one. But Now I have decided its better to keep them separate. I LOVE the idea of two different types of blogging. I like my laurenjean photography blog because everything I post there is pretty and  related to what I do for a living. But i feel like when a bride is looking for a wedding photographer she does not want to see pictures of the fancy rainbow cake I made my husband on his birthday. She wants to see beauty. perfection, and love.

Not that my rainbow cake was not all those things, but you get the picture. My real life, my plain old Lauren life is messy. Its full of  pregnancy hormones and kids fighting, drinking wayyy to much diet coke and not doing enough laundry. Its also full of less then professional cell phone pictures of our day to day lives. And I desperately want to remember these days. So I am back to this blog. The name will be changing and the look. But here I am.

The real me. The real us. And to kick things off I have hooked up with life Rearranged for insta Friday. Here are some of the highlights of our week via my ipad.

Love waking up to this face
Lexi after she got her jaw expander taken out. Changed her whole smile. So grown up.

We broke out the shaving cream on our first 108 degree day
Love him
More shaving cream mess

Miss Ashlynn. She only played for about 5 minutes before she said it was to hot and came In.
Click on the pic to see how you can help end human trafficking

getting soap in your eyes sucks.

life rearranged

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