Tuesday, March 27, 2012

when I know that I know, that I know...

Happy Tuesday, first I want to share four awesome things from yesterday.

1- I have a great moms group. Good frinds are the best they will hold your baby while you take crazy pictures of tons of kids at a fire station.

2- little boys are awesome. Even as a baby boy he thought the firestation was rad.

3-ok, little girls are awwesome too. She loves her new hat.

4- We ended our friend tome with a trip to the park. Such a great morning and afternoon with my mom friends.

I am thinking about prayer this morning. I have been learning a lot about faith and prayer this past few months.

Most of the time my prayer life consists of little snippets of my day. I may wake up and think a prayer in my head while I brush my teeth. It may be something small like please let their be coffee, or something bigger like please Let Lexi make a new friend today.

As the day progresses the snippets get fewer and further in between until I am left at the end of the day feeling exhausted. But I do it. I go down my list of prayer requests. Bless this person, Heal this person. But sometimes I approach it like paperwork. Filing away the woes of others and checking them off my list.

And praying for myself... well thats at the bottom of the list somedays.

This needs to change. I need God to rock my prayer life. I heard at faithworks tonight that we can change the course of History with our prayers. God wants us to come before him and lay it all down at his throne. He wants us to pray the big prayers and pray specific prayers. I am the master at just saying " God bless so and so". But God wants us to lay it out. To get into the nitty gritty. " Dear God, Sally needs a job that allows her to be home by 3 so she can pick up her kids tommy and Grace from school. A job that pays her 50,000 a year that is close to home...."

I have started praying like this and let me tell you it works. It's making me a better listener.Just telling someone I will pray for you is no longer enough. Now I need the details of your situation. And I need to share the details of mine.

This is from my workbook I use for class and I wanted to share " A missile can be guided with absolute precision to a tiny target, in the same way our prayers must be locked onto specific coordinates. If you are praying for God to bless you be specific."

I am going to start making a list of things and people I am praying for. I want to bring everything that burdens my heart. Everything I am thankful for and rejoicing in to the throne of the Most high. I am going to get specif and be bold.. Stepping out in Faith that God has GOOD things for me and wants me to ask for them and know that he will heap blessing on to me. Not in a genie in the lamp kind of way. But in a way that a father loves and cares for his children. A loving father will not let his children go with out. God has already given me the desires of my heart, Now its my job to pray in faith and step out to receive them.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

worn out by 9 a.m

I swear some mornings I am worn out by 9 a.m. This morning for example I pulled in my drive way after dropping Lexi and Ashlynn off at school and I could have cried I was so over whelmed with the day ahead of me.

Thats when I realized I probably was still feeling sick from the evil little strep throat germs that had invaded my body over the past week. SO I played hooky from bible study ( sorry girls) and relaxed with Myka and Isaiah on the couch for a few hours.
He's a really good cuddler

 I may have watched this. Are you watching this show. It's good. Real good. Plain old fashioned good story telling.

After our cuddle fest I felt a little better. So we ventured to the great land of Wal-Mart. I started using this website to plan our meals and I LOVE IT!! So easy. And for me to do anything it has to be easy. My only complaint is I wish they had a app. But I just e mailed myself my grocery list and used my phone to shop. It's only eight dollars a month and a certain part of each months proceed go to help children in need.

WIN WIN people !
She loves this fake spider. Isaiah hates it. Screams when she walks by him with it.

Myka was so good at the store. I love that. It's so nice to get adoring stares from older ladies as opposed to sympathetic stares from women who have "been there" and laugh sarcastically as they walk by you.

That was Wednesday. Bring it Thursday and HELLO Friday ! 

Friday, March 9, 2012

If you used Picnik

Let me start by saying this. I may get back lash, you may not agree but this is just how it is. If you are a professional photographer and you are getting paid to take peoples photos DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT use picnik or any other "free" editing software. When you charge people for a service its because you have a skill that they do not. That includes technology and know how. Editing your professional pictures in picnik is about as professional as showing up to your shoot with your camera phone.


That being said I was kinda really happy when I heard Picnik was going away. But then I remembered my pre fancy camera and photoshop days and how much fun I had using free tools like picnik to give my pictures some extra pop.

So I am excited to blog about Pic Monkey. I heard about them from Julies blog and I had to go check it out. I must say, I like it. Super intuitive and super fun. Definitely an adequate replacement picnik.

You can tweak the exposure and contrast in your photos. Add text and shapes. They even have cute little speech bubbles. You can round the corners and add cool filters kind of like on Instagram.

When you are done just click save.

 Since it was Insta Friday I decided to add some text to my Instagram pictures from this week.

  blah..I am sick. I got the Strep throat almost all of my kids have had.

A rare moment that he is not screaming when she comes near him.

 Dude, how cool were my mom and Dad?

Such a sweet moment from todays bike ride.

Linking up at Life rearranged

life rearranged