Doing- A whole lot of nothing. I am on day three of not feeling well. My throat burns like fire when I swallow. Its like razor blades on one side. Miserable. I am debating going to the doctor. Its such a pain to go with kids. But I may crack and go to urgent care. Razor blades in my throat are not okay!
reading- just finished
The glass castle. So great! I read this in just under four days. And considering all my reading takes place on my iphone while nursing, or in the wee hours of the night. Four days is quite the feat. Now I am reading "
The best exotic marigold hotel". I checked it out on my kindle app from our public libray. Have I mentioned how cool checking out books with my kindle is? Its pretty awesome. Especially for someone like me who is notoriously bad at remembering due dates.
looking forward too- The wedding I am photographing on Saturday. Just seriously hoping this sore throat clears up by then
looking at- this little guy.
wishing- I was somewhere with lots of green trees. Trying not to let the 100 plus degree days get to me. But its hard. Summer memories for my kids are going to be what I make them. Thats why we have spent ALMOST every day at the pool. If we go at four and take shade breaks its almost bearable. Yesterday was pretty hot though. The heat rises from the cement and makes you feel like its hotter then it really is. Yesterday we all left the pool at hot mess. We were just too hot.
did I mention it was hot????
praying for- friends who are grieving and friends who have babies with health problems. Kids should not be sick EVER! Praying for wisdom. And for trust. I just need to trust God for my future. He will provide. Why do I worry?
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