Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random Tuesday post

We are wrapping up from a eventful weekend. A long really hot but super fun weekend. Ashlynn had a 8th birthday party on Sunday. Only a handful of kids showed up but thats ok. It was a holiday weekend. Want to heat something funny ? I remember exactly where I was a year ago on labor day. I wasnt doing anything fun. Then it would make sense that i remember no, I was getting chick-fil-a listening to Glenn beck for some unknown reason ( I am not a fan ). But he was giving the reason behind labor day. I can't rember the spefics but it was pretty intresting.
I also had a great engagagement session this weekend. So much fun. Such a sweet couple. I arived at the location which is a old thetre in Phoenix called the Orephum a few mintutes early to scout around. When I parked my van I realized I needed change to feed the meter. 1.50 a hour ! I was livid. thats a lot of money. So i freaked out a scrounged aound my car like a mad woman and all I could find was a five dollar bill. ok, now to find somewhere downtown to make change for me without making me buy something. I put Burger king in my GPS  and waited. YES ! there was one 1.2 miles down the street. I found it no problem and there was even a parking spot right up front SCORE!  I pulled my minivan in put it in park.

Then I saw him.

he was older, unshaven and thin. he was the face of one but the voice of many who wander the streets of phoenix where the temps get well above 110 degrees in the summer . he was asking for money. I wished i had some. But i gripped my five dollars in my hand as tight as i could. I mumbled something about needing all my money for the meter when i walked by.

i felt like a jerk.

but i really did need to get change at least.

I got three dollars in quaters and debated getting more. I had no idea how long my shoot would last. But a littl voice inside me said no. And I smiled and handed the two dollars to the homeless man. I know i am lame. I could have done better by that man. I wispered a prayer for him as I drove off. He is still on my heart ....

I am dreaming of coffee right now. is it bad when all you can think about is that first sip ?

i took the older girls out shopping today. We bought a hermit crab and a go go walking dog. I loved watching the girls have so much fun spending their birthday money. They were VERY blessed this year.

I am linking up over here. you should too !


  1. Good for you. Sometimes it is easy to do nothing at all.

  2. I dream of coffee every night. :0)

    I feel your pain regarding that homeless man. My heart always hurts when I see them. I rarely give money, and I always feel like a tight-fisted jerk face. :0( I recently found something on pinterest called "Blessing Bags" and I'm gonna start keeping those in my car. Google if if you're interested. It's a really cool idea. :0)

    I'm here from Lucky #13 but I follow your blog, too. :0)

  3. Great pictures! It sounds like a good weekend and that is a very sweet thing you did, even if it was "only" two dollars. It was atleast something! =D I'm stopping by from Lucky Number 13!

  4. First of all if they are going to charge you a $1.50 at a parking meter they need to make it take dollar bills...that's CRAZY!!!

    As for what you did for that homeless man...you are an angel, and I'm sure he thought so for sure.

    Your single act just renewed my faith in humankind...WAY TO GO!

  5. Aww...that is so hard! I hate having that guilt!


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