Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Heres what I am thinking

I hate my left eye, for real. I went to the doctor to get contacts and he basically said no contact will ever fir my left eye correctly. That my best hope was to see "good enough".


i almost cried. But then I felt silly. I m lucky because my new glasses fit awesome and make me see 20/20. And I have contacts as a back up. I am lucky.

And If we were really meeting for coffee I would suggest you stay away from this. The peppermint Mocha at Mcdonalds is mcgross.

speaking of gross.....

School lunches are gross. I had a Thanksgiving style lunch with Ash last week and I kid you not I watched a lunch lady reach into the trash and take a whole ( untouched) piece of pumpkin pie and hand it to a kid to eat. Now I am all for not wasting, but really !?

Gross !!
Thanksgiving was awesome. Lots of family, food and much to be thankful for. 

Myka and David are two Weeks apart. And only kinda related. No blood relation anyways. he sang to her and it was adorable.
*sigh* her first love song.

I had two photo shoots last weekend. I am having so much fun with these family shoots. It is a nice break from weddings. My last wedding of the year is on Sunday Its bitter sweet. I need a break. But I do love my job.

Whats on your mind ?

Linking up with Amy :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ten things happening right now

1.my little girl Myka is on day four of coughing and a high fever. I hate, hate, hate when my kiddos get sick. My worry and anxiety gets out of control.

2. It's cold here in AZ as of late and I love it. But it did make me realize my children are In need of new winter clothes. And so am I. This would work

3. I am off to shoot a wedding today. The season is winding down. I have learned so much about myself and my art this past few months. What I like and what I don't like. My style of art and why I love what I do.

4. Lexi is at a friends house this morning. She had a sleepover last night. The house is strangely quiet with just four kids. It hit me last night that as she gets older she will be home less and less. It's sad but exciting. She is growing up and I am so grateful to be her mom and get to watch her story unfold.

5. Christmas! Need I say more. I Am so trying to be organized and together this year. I feel like every year I am running around like a crazy person at the last minute. And I am famous for wrapping presents in the garage Christmas eve at midnight. Not this year! I am vowing to have it all done by Christmas break ! And now that I have confessed it to Internet land it must happen.

6.It's Monday now.

7. I am off to get a new pair of glasses this morning. I want super thick black frames .

8. I never thought I would want that

9. I need new jeans. And I still have baby weight. Lol from my eleven year old!!

10. This post took me a week to write!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy hump day

Its almost midnight. The bay and Will are asleep in my bed and Myka is on the floor somewhere in a pile of blankets. And the house is quiet. I love this time of night. I love knowing that four little babes are tucked in and sleeping soundly. That everyone I love the most in this world is all under the same roof.

I am kicking some photoshop booty so I gave myself the night off. I have been catching up on my favorite blogs and pinterest. I may even take a late  night shower before bed.

I have an eye appointment in the morning. I NEED new glasses. I think all the staring at the computer screen editing is making me go blind.

maybe I am just getting old.

Halloween came and went. As evidenced by the horrific candy induced melt downs we had at the M house this afternoon. I HATE the day after Halloween.

no one got any sleep
no one has had a real meal in two days
and everyone is on a sugar rush !!


I kind of slacked on the pictures this year. The older girls were zombies and the little two were pumpkins.
Mykas costume was kinda lame. But she loved it and thats all that counts.
We went to the little festival here in town put on by the church. It was so great. I know how much effort something like that takes. What a great ministry. Even though its kinda of funny they give you free popcorn and cotton candy and then charge for water ! ? Whats up with that ??

we did see some funny stuff though

Then home for some trick or treating

and today at the store I saw this

and so it begins.....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

guess who got an iphone ???

I apologize in advance.
I may have gone a tad nuts this week :)

please ignore my mess and look at my cute baby instead mkay :)

things to note
we had some awesome clouds this week.
Funfetti whoopie pies were gross
and my baby is soooo cute !!!

linking up here

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

a cloudy day

Today was cloudy and I loved it.

Every time we have weather that is even slightly cool Myka says its going to snow. She has only ever even seen snow once. And that was two years ago.

Today she announced it was going to snow. It didn't. But it was cooler and that was nice. 

Have been reading shannans letting go series? If not you need too now. Every post has helped me grow. I love her honesty and openness. Her ability to bring a blog post so full circle is incredible. This series has made me want to let go of a lot of things in my life. I think I may start one tomorrow. Its a small thing. But it takes up a big  place in my mind. I think I need a break from it. I am a bit embarrassed to say what it is. But I can't leave you hanging, and ever since blog sugar I have decided to be open and honest and real here on my little space of the internet.

so, I am letting go of Diet Coke.

I know silly right, But honestly drinking DC is part of who I am. As long as I can remember I have had a diet coke in my hand. Its a habit. If I am in a bad mood i actually blame lack of Diet coke for it. Thats ridiculous.

So letting go of the diet crack is really more about letting go of something I let take over. A bad habit that occupy my thoughts when other things should be.

I also know I will need some grace on this one. habits are hard to break . And for me if I think to much  about something or "white knuckle " my way through it will never work.

So my goals are small. One day at a time. What about you ? What would you like to let go of ? Whats stopping you ?

linking up with Amy for coffee Tuesday

Sunday, October 23, 2011

pictures are funny things

 Aren't pictures funny things. They can make life look so awesome When I was uploading these pictures my hubby looked over my shoulder and said " wow, you made it look like we had an AWESOME time". I had to laugh. The truth is it was 97 degrees today. We had big hopes of enjoying the day with the kiddos at our towns annual Stagecoach days celebration. But No one was even there. The rides and games were over priced and most of all it was so stinkin hot !!

We stayed for 45 mintites !! 

And then we went to Mcdonalds and let the kids play in the air condtioning. Myka made a new friend and she named her Olivia. Her real name was Sarah. But Myka kept calling her Olivia. 

Tomorrow is Monday and I have a to do list a mile long. maybe two miles. Wedding season is crazy. I miss my family. I feel like I am behind a computer screen or a camera all the time. Thats why today was so nice. No camera but my iphone one ( kicks booty by the way) .

But I feel blessed. Blessed that I have a small business that is thriving and a husband who helps me run it. Blessed that my in laws and my mom were willing to drop everything yesterday so they could watch the kids while Will came to a wedding with me. 

I am pretty lucky. 

I am grateful. 

linking up with Heather

Friday, September 30, 2011


I have so many things i am dying to write about.
Like blog Sugar and all the awesome bloggers I met there.
My kids are starting AWANA and I cant wait.
And how this small little town in the sticks of Arizona is starting to grow on me.
But for now here is my week Instagram style.

  1. Holding a sleeping baby on the beach is pure bliss. 
  2. How cool does my little California girl look ?
  3. thats how we know we are almost to Cali.
  5. From the swag bag
  6. pretty blog sugar tables
  7. more baby beach bliss
  8. Guess where we ate ?
  9. She was so tired.
  10. Cute baby boy
  11. Myka surfing
  12. Myka and Grammy talkin on the beach
  13. more chatting
  14. Lexi taking it all in
  15. so big !
  16. more surfing !

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I missed instafriday

Boo !! But I have a good reason. I didnt take any pictures !! I am awful ! Life has been busy. I did use my real camera more though. I got some SWEET new Florabella actions.

Today i have a wedding and then home to pack for CALIFORNIA !! And we are leaving at 6 am !! And by three pm I will be in the company of some of my best friends who I am pretty sure have no idea I feel that way :) yay for blog sugar !!

here are some pictures of some of my favorite things and faces !  I will be posting and picture taking from blog sugar !!

Ash looks so emo here !  I hope you all have a fabulous weekend !!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I will have a pumpkin spice thingy please.

Thats what I asked he bistro for the last time I was at Starbucks. i am so sophisticated sometimes I amaze myself.

hello friends. I am so happy to be meeting you all again for coffee. This last weekend was crazy and I am so feeling the need to spill my guts. Friday night was the women's conference at my church HOLLA ! The grace girls rocked the house down ! I can not put into words how wonderful it feels to be surrounded by so many other women who Love God.

To be around women who uplift each other rather then tear each other down. Who encourage me to be a better wife, mom, and daughter of the King. It's so hard to be a girl sometimes. We struggle with so many feelings of self doubt and insecurity. Rising my daughters I am really seeing the impact society has on them. My eleven year old already worries about make up and being skinny enough. I tell her she is beautiful and perfect and she smiles at me and assures me she knows. But its always in the back of my mind does she really know ??  I pray she does. That they all so. That every daughter of God knows how loved, chosen and set apart she is. No matter how dark this world gets gods people, Gods GIRLS , will rise up and SHINE light into this broken world.

And this world is oh so broken. there is so much hurt. Sometimes hearing someones story just takes my breath away. Leaves me with no words. And I am learning that sometimes its okay to not say anything. To just be a friend who listens. And a friend who is ready and waiting for your call. I am learning to be more sensitive. To appreciate the small things. you know, Like putting rag curls in Ashlynns hair tonight and the fact that lexi asked me to french braid her hair this morning before school.

Thats the good stuff.

i am oh so excited for Blog Sugar !! Will you be there ? i swear just breathing in the California air uplifts my soul in a way few things of this earth can. I can't wait to put my toes in the sand. It will be a short trip but a good one. I am anxious to see how little baby Isaiah handles his first road trip. I will let you know.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Is it friday for real ??

Like really for real ?
Oh my.
Few highlights from the week.
Lexi had her curriculum night at school and the teachers exact words were " She is one of the best fifth grade writers I have seen in a long time " Go LEXI ! Future blogger, I think so.
It's hot here. But I do suspect that the "extreme" heat is over. This week it was in the 90's !! It was glorious. We even went to the park once. of course the nice weather does mean i do need to make good on my promise to myself to walk or run every day. I'll let you know how that goes ! HA!

i did make it to the grocery store in case you were wondering. I even managed to plan some meals. that's no small feat these days. Ash is the worlds pickiest eater. I swear the kid would live off hot dogs if I let her. Tomorrow is the Women's conference at my church. i am running the photo booth and I am super excited ! I love conferences. I love praise and worship. I love laying everything heavy on my heart down at the foot of the cross.

and just letting go.

Why is that so hard to do sometimes ? I worry about so many useless things. Worry will not add one day to my life. In fact it will take away. A personal goal I have is to let go and just let God.

Let God be God. he knows what he is doing. it's not up to me.

Thank goodness.

next weekend I will be at blog Sugar HOLLA !!

time for Friday phone dump !
  1.  We did a cereal bar and it was seriously fun. I let the girls top their cereal with all sorts of stuff. Even some junk food !
  2. Pinterest is how i find motivation these days. 
  3. Sweet comic I saw on Sept 11th. 
  4. A pic of sats wedding Instagram style.
  5. Sometimes people do dumb things with smart phones.
  6. and again. Dont i look sexy ??
  7. gah ! Adorable ! i love my job !
  8. and more with the editing and job loving
  9. and back to square one !
i am linking up here !

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Coffee Tuesday: A look back at Monday.

 The Instagram version ofone of my favorite pictures from last Saturdays wedding.

There are a few things I want to remember from yesterday.  Myka jumping up from my lap this morning shouting mama, Jake and the Neverland pirates are on,l I have to dance ! taking the kids to the park to play for the first time in close to four months ! Isaiah has NEVER sat outside for that long in his whole entire life. That blows my mind. He was so happy and so content the whole time we were there. I wished we could have played until dark but it is a school night.

I found this meal planner while surfing my twitter feed this morning. Print it out and stick it in a plastic page protector. BRILLIANT !! MAYBE I will have time to fill one out tomorrow. And maybe i will have time for a grocery shopping trip. I'll let you know.

I talked on the phone with a good friend today. She helped me with one really BIG problem in my life and a whole lot of little ones. I love friends like that. Friends that seem to posses a wisdom I don't have yet.

As i was driving home from picking up Myka at preschool i saw a rainbow. It was green yellow and pinkish. very pretty. I didn't have a single way to take a picture of it. So I made a mental picture. Rainbows are a beautiful reminder of all the promises God has for us.

I have lots of work to do today. Lots of editing and blogging over at my other blog. I think I will light an apple pie candle and pretend its chilly outside. This time of year makes me long for the coziness of the midwest . the apple picking, the leaves changing, the slight chill in the air. Seasons bring a rhythm and a normalcy to life that i dont think people have in a climate like Arizona.

But today i am not going to dwell on it. i am going to stay busy and enjoy the SNOT out of the ridiculously blessed life God has given me in the desert.

Oh , and I definitely have some books to buy for my Kindle thanks to this girl and her book reviews !

I am linking up with Amy here !

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hullo Friday

Its nice to see you !
This week was great. First MOPS meting of the year. Thanks to my awesome friend Shilo who started one way out here in the sticks,
Lots of picture taking and people in love. two of my favorite things.
and tonight it is raining.
Just a little, but I hope it is enough too usher in the fall . 
I know I won't be apple picking or wearing hoodies anytime soon. 
But maybe a few days where we can at least play outside. 
Please mother nature ??

We just want to go to the park. 

  1. Fun cups for Ashlynns beach themed birthday.
  2. making biscuits
  3. Biggest baby and littlest baby
  4. Arizona has pretty skies.
  5. Lexi talked us into a hermit crab
  6. I hate hermit crabs
  7. baby magic is indeed magic
  8. Lexis awesome fashion sense.
Linking up here.