Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Coffee Wednesday

Hello :)
Happy Wednesday !!
This morning I was supposed to take Isaiah to his one month check up. 
Now remember we live in the sticks ! (not really)
Just really far from where we used to live/will provably live again.
So taking the lil guy to the doc involves me getting up and actually getting dressed and driving my man into work. ( it also means Starbucks for mama).
So there we were, well on our way when my phone rings. and I realize I took the car keys with me on accident this morning. The set of keys to the only other mode of transportation my mom has to get to work.
Epic fail on my part.
I had to take my hubs to work ,cancel the drs appt and drive all the way home to deliver the keys.

Oh well.
It did leave me with one glorious hour alone at home with the baby while we waited to pick up Myka from preschool. I nursed and watched TV. I watched this show.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.It made me wonder why i run around so much when Myka is in preschool. I should stay home a bask in the sweetness that is one child. 
Soon enough though free time will be gone because ITS WEDDING SEASON !! 
I am excited ! 
And nervous.
mostly excited.

I am linking up to coffee Tuesday. 
Even though its Wednesday. 
I am a bad booty rebel that way.

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