Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A giveaway and a new sponsor !!

I am so excited !! this is my first giveaway!1 I have noticed a lot of people stopping by the rowdy house on Robin, but not a lot of comments.

So I have decided I am not above bribery.

My dear friend Robin of well of creations has been such a inspiration to me as I have tried to navigate the waters of all things creative. Her writing and her art available on ETSY speak volumes about what a amazing person and artist she is. And her desire to inspire others to be creative .

I am stealing these words of wisdom from Robins blog because I repeat them to myself EVERY day !!

“Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night”
- Glade Byron Addams

Chase it down people !!  Can you imagine just getting off work, being cold , tired, hungry. Knowing that home and the people you love were just one bus ride away. You walk up to the bus sop just to see the bus you need to be on pulling away.

How fast would you run ?
How desperate would you be to catch that bus ?
Imagine if we chased our dreams and our passions like we would chase that bus.

What if we stopped worrying about other people critiques and criticisms ?

What if we all created just to create ?

I think the world would be a much prettier place.

Robin was generous enough to be my first sponsor and to give me this AWESOME handmade back pack to give away to one lucky reader.

Sometimes my ten year old looks so sweet I could just eat her up.

Then she decides she is done with being my model and demands I let her go in the house and eat a pickle.

true story.

All you have to do to win this darling backpack  is leave a comment with your e mail address answering the following question.

What inspires you to create ?

I will pick the winner using random.org one week from now on October 5th.

I can't wait to read the comments !!


  1. I am a huge fan of sweet Robin's work and this is such a lovely gorgeous bag! Robin is such an inspiration! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

  2. Okay Lauren here goes...
    So many things inspire me to create that it is hard to narrow it down, for today's purposes, I think I'm going to pick love. I am often motivated by love in my artwork. A lot of my pieces can be traced back to a gift that I have made for my husband, a parent, a child or friend. They all have special meanings and contain images that are special to the person they were originally purposed for. I love seeing my work hang in galleries or even on walls in people's homes because in almost every piece I see the person I made it for and am reminded of the love that I have for them.

  3. what inspires me is what pops into my mind each day, sometimes at the oddest moments! Nature is a big source of inspiration! Also, events that occur each day or a memory. Gosh, I think life inspires me!
    Please sign me up for a chance!!

  4. I am NOT really all that creative~! I love to sing, but not my own stuff. I love to craft, but I use other peoples Ideas. I love to photo... but... its not really that good. =) The most creative thing I do in any old day is cook. I DO use my own stuff to cook. And what inspires me to try a little harder on dinner. I LOVE MY FAMILY and I want to bless them. Although I don't think they care.

  5. Every day when I get up and hear the birdies singing, I am so grateful for my life; creating is my way of giving back. Hopefully my art makes some one joyful, hopeful, and thankful.


  6. oh yay, another winning chance!!
    (looove robin's makings!).
    what inspires me to create
    is that it makes me happy while i'm doing it,
    & i'm motivated because it gives me a place to pour my love for people & beauty into.

  7. I am inspired by the people I create for , like the darling Gracie who will receive a strawberry sweater, because she is our little strawberry.

  8. That's such a great question...What inspires me to create is life...inspiration from my surroundings, my experiences and now my family...It's an ever evolving process and truly makes me happy...


  9. First off -- my ten-year-old daughter would *LOVE* that backpack. Thank you ladies for such a wonderful giveaway.

    Second -- what inspires me to create? Seriously I think it is the internet and all of the stupendous creative people and blogs out there.

    Again -- thank you for the giveaway!


  10. I usually get inspired by the things around me. Or maybe a piece of fabric I like. Sometimes ideas just pop into my head too.

  11. I really think almost anything can inspire creativity. I can be inspired by a conversation with a friend, seeing things from shopping.
    Recently, I was insired to do a whole new set up for a craft show based on a free banner I got. I fell so in love with the boutique/french feel, I have everything coordinating to go with it.
    For my recycled candles, I was inspired by a paper bag.

    I think inspiration is all around us, if your eyes are open!



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