Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Morning one......

The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours.  No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen.  And the fact that it practically always doesn't, matters not a jot.  The possibility is always there.  ~Monica Baldwin

Kiss sleepy face good morning ( I kiss all three but only one will let me take a picture )

Coffee , YES PLEASE !!!
make lunches

and this mornings routine included taking my first seven hcg drops. Today and tomorrow I HAVE too eat A LOT ! Seriously.

Its part of the plan.
Thats why I had fried eggs for breakfast.

This eating a lot is actually harder then it looks.
Its almost noon and I am going to do my second round of drops.
Then try to find a big lunch.
Maybe a big salad with LOTS of dressing ????

This mornings drops burned my mouth a little.
Anyone know if that is normal ?

Quick rundown of how the diet works.

buy hcg drops ( you can also get injections of the stuff but ewwww... I hate needles ) I bought mine at HI Health.
Day one and day two you take seven to ten drops three times a day under your tongue. And you have to eat a lot of really bad for you food, so your body has stuff to burn off right away.

day three- twenty seven.

keep the drops the same but you have a seriously strict diet. its only 5oo calories. Without the drops this is a super bad thing. You won;t lose weight because your bosy will think its starving. But the drops help- tell your body that its all ok and that you can let go of the fat and not starve.

I have a lot of fat my body can feel free to let go of.

The hcg allows your body to burn calories from existing fat cells you already have in your body.

I am not a doctor. I am just repeating what I was told.

Off to make lunch.

anyone want to bring me a big mac ??

giveaway here


  1. I am excited about you doing the HCG diet! That's a good booster for getting into a healthy life styles of eating right and staying fit! Love the stories and photos of course for todays post!

  2. I love your skillet and your restaurant looking eggs. Can I come over to your house to eat?!

    Your a wonderful writer and photographer. Want to be BFF's? :o)

    Okay, since I'm a terrible, and busy friend... (I WILL call you next week), but to let you know, I am going to offer a super cute, pillowcase trick or treat sack as my Little Itsy Bitsy giveaway for your blog!

    I'll get you a picture by Monday. I promise!


I LOVE comments !